Monday, December 12, 2011

What the Coco do I write about? Dear Santa: “Help!”

I must start by confessing that this blog post was almost messed up by the Nut in me. I just couldn’t get started. My blog editor was pressuring me because she knows me well enough to determine something was blocking my Coco-Inspiration. I accepted the challenge. I sat down to write and chose to focus on sharing with you my Coco-Christmas. Why? Because it is now during my favorite season of the year, after what I’ve lived that I know for certain that I have two options: I either give in to whatever the Nut wants or I surrender to the Coco and let things flow and blossom.  So I began to realize that if what I had desired for during this year hadn’t happened, it was because so many other wonderful things were taking place and in disguise were meant to be exactly the series of events I needed so that I could be mature and humble enough as to say “Thank You” to life. Just because only this way I could be where I am and be prepared to welcome all the marvelous things ahead of me.
I mean, really, how could I be ungrateful when a movie I was costar in is releasing this week? That’s right! ; "A Second Chance at Christmas" will be released on Dec 16th:
How could I not be jumping of joy when I just booked a Mc Donald’s National Commercial! Yes! Thank You! One of my goals this year was to book a national commercial and to see that my persistence has paid off makes me want to dance. Oh "I´m Lovin´ It" because the best part is that I will be playing a realtor. You see, when I went to the casting I transformed into a role model for realtors: my mother, a top selling agent in Miami. No wonder I was chosen, I mean, I gave my best performance using all the knowledge I had on how realtors acted and reacted only by remembering all those years when I admired my mom selling homes left and right. Your best years Mami! Gracias!
 For models and/or actors to book a commercial or a job is such a reward, because we spend most of the time driving north, south, up and down, traffic, heat, rain, waiting, rejected, wear your best clothes (avoid wrinkles of course); put some make up on; a bad hair day? Got a pimple? Oh no! We are not allowed any of those. Cramps, headaches? Nonsense, we have no “sick days off”, so go on rehearse, stand in front of the camera and smile to the world. Sell millions of this soda please.
I’d also like to share with you the wonderful interview on my experience on The Great Food Truck Race! You can see it here: 
I might had bumped into people who disappointed me but I can see  clearly now how I came across Angels this year. Not Angels with wings and halos. They came in many other ways. They were disguised as producers, casting directors, makeup artists, directors, actors, even friends and my own mother. Some served me food, poured me a glass of wine on that date from hell; others rang up my groceries. Others helped me over the phone and cleared out my bills and took payments online without me knowing it. There’s a story behind all of those people, behind all of us. It’s not about me only; I know the world does not revolve around ME! They are all looking for Love and joy, one way or another, just like I am. Angels mingled in my life with friends and other family members in such a harmony I could not begin to understand. I may not have won an Oscar, or received my first million dollars, or gotten neither married nor pregnant. YET. What I know now is that I’m slowly but consciously walking my path towards all those dreams and I accept these events if they are meant to be for my higher wellness. It’s all scripted, remember? Meanwhile I’m grateful and preparing for all new things to come because this year Santa is laughing “Co-Co-Co” instead of his usual “Ho-Ho-Ho”…

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I was going over the script of my next acting gig, on a plane to Virginia and I couldn´t help but wonder:
"What if my life is already written out in a script?

"If so, the character within this script I play is a "Cuban CocoNut".

Allow me to explain: I picked my role before entering this CocoNUT shell. My mind projects nut and coco images on to a huge screen called world. Coco Bunga! So many nutty images I have created throughout my lifetime, yikes! Some sane coco images and some insane nutty. But, I'm working on editing this film. I mean I´d like to give it a happy ending you see; therefore I must remember to Kick the nut in the nuts.Very similar to acting, because when I book a role, there´s a script, portraying a role and I just have to play it out. The only thing I am in control of is my personal experience representing it because the script is already written. You see? It´s the same with life!
Being this so, I ask myself: Why take things so nutserious? I mean, why beat myself up at times for no good reason at all? Pretty nuttyloco huh? Get the picture?
I get side tracked by the stories within my script: dramas, upsets and nutty betrayals. That Nut in my head, indulges in playing the victim role, making me battle constantly against it. You can say it´s the bad guy on the script and the Coco is the Hero!
If I can finally focus on the fact that I am the author, director and producer of my own script (thinker in my mind) and that I am responsible for my projections, only then I will be able to free myself from suffering: I fire the victim role on the script.

I once read this and it was a cocoenlighnmtent moment, I mean I literally almost fell on my cocobootie! "Everything happens the way it is supposed to anyway. If something isn't suppose to happen, you will never be able to make it happen. If something is supposed to happen, then there's nothing in the world you can do to stop it."

Now the above statement makes a whole lot of sense.

You see I prove my point: My life is a script. I play out my role accordingly and enjoy my experience.
So I tell myself to just embrace the COCO side and let things unveil.What a GREAT scene this would be:
Coco Look's at Nut straight at NUT and say's
"Oye, you! NUT! I am through playing your silly games. I direct YOU. You don't direct me. I´m in charge!"

As I write, I am having a blast enjoying this acting gig in Virginia. Meeting wonderful people (new extras on my script), wearing cute clothes, having makeup and hair done, sharing my talent with a team who happened to be on this chapter of my script.

The Nut? I leave it locked in the hotel room, learning new lines and punished until it learns to behave properly and not mess with my happycoco Script!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is there any Space for A Coco Latina Actress in Hollywood?

During my childhood in Miami, like any kid my age, I was a HUGE fan of Punky Brewster. I hope you even know who I´m talking about. I told my mami I wanted to be Punky´s bestfriend on the show. I thought that she needed a latina friend. Mami sadly informed me that the TV Show was shot in Los Angeles. I proclaimed I wanted to live with Los Angelitos there then!
My Innocence back then promised me it´d be easy. It wasn´t. To become the great professional I am now I had to go against all Nutty clichés regarding making it big in L.A.
As you see, I always knew that Acting would be what I would do for the rest of my life and these 18 past years of ups and downs in this wonderful career have taken me from a successful spot in Miami to “the New Hispana Actress in L.A.”. I have grown professionally and personally. Today I continue to pursue my desire: doing what I love, even though the “Nutty-Voices” have been wanting me to do the opposite... I mean I built a solid career in Miami, Booking hundreds of commercials, acting classes with Top Acting Coaches hundreds of photo shoots, I hypnotize the camera! This photogenic SAG member since 1994 has done her Piña Colada with the best Piña juice featuring magazines and films; hosting 3 national TV shows and becoming the 1st Latin woman boxing announcer (chosen among 500 girls! literally) taking me all over the country hosting for WWE Cocobunga! .
Playing ME on a food truck has been the cherry on top after living in LA for 5 years now. I have an agent and manager. I have been working steady acting and hosting! The best thing is that I have been able to break into the Anglo market which, believe it or not I found hard do in Miami. This "cross over" allows me to share my Latin roots with the gringos! Heck, with EVERYone who wants to be entertained by this proud CUBAN Coconut! 
The hard part has been overcoming the many Nut voices telling me all the reasons why I should not come to L.A. “it´s expensive” “it´s hard” “you´re already a Top Model in Miami you know everyone in the business here” “you'll never make it” “everyone´s there, it´s too much competition” “you´ll start from zero”.
But let me share a little insight:
The only competition there is, is ME against my own head with this scratched record of all these nuts speaking at the same time. That´s it. The mind is so POWERFUL my coco amigos! It can help you or drown you. Being in NUT mode will eventually crack you. 
A wonderful gift we have is the free will to think what we want. We do have control over our experience. Therefore, I have learned to notice what I´m thinking and carefully stop myself if I´m thinking something nutty, then I change the thought I´m having and lovingly carry on. NUT will certainly have its way with me, but I won´t let it!
I knew in my heart that I was going to do well in L.A., I would work making a living expressing to the world my talent. I deleted from my head the “Not Making it” option. On my script success was a done deal! I decided to move to lala land and chose not to listen to "those" voices.
What can I say? I literally kicked my Nut in the Nuts.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We were eliminated on The Great Food Truck Race Show in Denver.
It was hard. Very hard!
I was very attached to the good feeling of closeness to the crew, cast and the whole shabang (sobbing). 

By the time I got to Denver I must say I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was getting barely any rest and coming down with a cold. I remember the night before our last day of selling I thought: "Can I continue doing this? ”To which I answered:” Of course I CAN!” so I took a pair of
Tylenol cold and delightfully passed out.

The next morning we were off to the restaurant depot to do grocery shopping but I had a weird feeling. I was not as upbeat and INTO it as before.
I felt Denver might just be Cafe Con Leche´s last stop. And believe me I did NOT want to believe that.

We got to the Great Divide Brewery and famous quarterback John Elway shared the news: “only one person can work the truck”. This challenge was hard to digest. My hopes of making it to the Grand Finale in Miami, my home town, “my dream” seemed to dwindle. Sitting on the sidelines watching the action was frustrating. At times I would sneak off. Just to have one of the producers literally pick me up and put back in our "section". I felt  confined in a CocoNut and I was feeling a bit nutty! 

I cheered up though when I heard that the Seabirds´ sales had been low and hoped it meant we´d still be in the race!
But Elimination day was inevitable
(By the way: It is REALLY awful to stand there waiting for the results.)
We were officially out of the race. I was very, very sad. Muy triste. I mean “you´re on the road and get attached to the experience!” I told my cast mates. It was horrible.
“I want to be doing this show forever!!”.That´s how exciting and fun it was.

As I have learned through experience, some great things do have an end.
The week when our elimination episode was aired, I was going through some intense struggles in my life: I was faced with the elimination process of an old pattern of my own. All of the sudden I was filled with fear, insecurity and doubt.

I knew that it was a pivotal moment that would define my future.

It was an old reaction that wasn´t useful anymore. A similar situation from the past disguised in different circumstances. 
This CocoNUT, Thank goodness, is ready to be more COCO than nut. Even though it was muy difícil, I was able to do what had to be done. ELIMINATE it.  I suffered before and behind Cameras. Then I forgave, accepted, surrendered and LET GO.
ALL the Eliminación paid off.
I AM at PAZ.
Miracles DO happen.
Even when we feel it´s impossible :) the COCOS have a sweet way of proving one wrong. I had Won Top Prize without knowing it: a week later I got a GIG that would pull me closer to where I want to be and do:
  1. I had to be Eliminated on the Show so I would be in L.A. on time to take the chance of a Lifetime in my Acting Career.
  2. I had to Eliminate my Old Pattern to be closer to my Soul mate and fall in Love. (Truly in COCOAMOR).

This is a Private Practice of my own I Cherish now.
I mean how nutty to think I would work “forever” in a show like this... With all the COCO on the beach?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nut, Tears and The Great Food Truck race..

My NUT has me a bit crazy these days. It’s OK. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Isn’t that what they say? Well, I agree. After all, the challenging times in life have served me well. Making my Coco more resilient!
What I have learned and put into practice this week is the following: There is NOTHING “out there” in the world to “fix” People, Circumstances etc...  The key is the “inner” work. In my experience in this practice; I have truly felt more peace and happiness. It’s putting the focus back on me. Who am I not forgiving? What am I not giving in this situation?  When you play the victim role- where my NUT loves to linger. I lose my power. The only one that can bring me peace and happiness is ME! When I am in that space, abundance and love flows. There is a trust in what is; all falls in to place perfectly. It’s a change of focus from the false to the truth. I am not preaching it’s easy. I do cry. Although, I refuel my Coco with positive stuff, start floating and FINALLY make it to shore.

Talk about crying. On the show I am in, The Great Food Truck Race. I have been featured crying. There is someone that tweeted. “Stop Crying, It’s embarrassing”. With all do respect. I will not stop crying. If you see me crying on the show it’s because, I need to cry. After all, it IS reality and I am playing ME! It is very stressful being on the road. We are shooting 12 hour days and eliminations are grueling. One hardly gets any sleep. That’s how I deal; with my tears. :)

On a Happier note. Thank you Salt Lake City for your support of Café Con Leche. In all honesty, I met some of the nicest people ever in YOUR city! I even had a lady give me her jacket because it was cold. It was truly an awesome experience selling food in SLC.  We came in 2nd place. Watch this week as we head to Denver. The Great Food Truck Race on The Food Network Sunday @ 9pm. Dale!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hotness Y La Virgen..

 I was flattered to learn the news that I was selected as one of the Top10-hottest women on The Great Food Truck Race. Although, the NUT side of me was bruised that I came in 8th!
Nevertheless, I recovered fast. When my mom said “Hay Mamita, ese es un numero bueno. El dia del La Caridad del Cobre”. Meaning the Lady of Charity in which a Virgin appeared in Cuba on Sept 8th and I came in 8th place. I’m guessing she related the two. 

It made me laugh. If this is a sign that "La Virgen" is looking after me....that would be great. Maybe this NUT in my head might take a vacation or something. Que dios quiera!

It has been a pretty intense couple of months leading up to the premiere of the show. Which aired this past Sunday on The Food Network. It’s REALITY. So how the hell will they edit me? What footage will they air?

I MUST say, I was pleasantly surprised. I REALLY enjoyed watching the show and very impressed with the quality and editing. Now think about it, the show features 24 cast members and there stories must be a BIG challenge. Therefore, kudos to Relativity Media for the AMAZING work!

Maria Felipe Cuban Coco loco was in full effect. My goal is to bring light, fun and entertainment. I think I might have just pulled it off.  I must admit, I was a cry baby. Blame it on the PMS that I had during the shooting. I couldn't bear thinking of my team being eliminated. I was not ready to leave! I still have a lot of Cuban AMOR to give.

Excited about tonights show airing at 9pm on The Food Network. Isn’t that prime time?! Whoop! Whoop!

Friday, July 22, 2011

CocoNut Y el AMOR..

I was so happy to see my Coco side revealed on the new Cafe Con Leche video teaser for TGFTR. Yay! I was not yelling "Where are the freaking plates?!" or "No more green stuff!" That's my Nut side for ya! But, nooooooooooooo sign of the Nut in this video! Yay! Coco was in full effect! I was expressing Amor!!

I am a cast member of Cafe Con Leche, a Cuban food truck. I felt so honored to represent the Cuban culture on national TV! I wanted not only for people to experience how AMAZING the food is, that is a given, but also, the passion, warmth and AMOR that the Cuban culture represents.

I come from a very close family, in which I have been blessed to receive a lot of love, and that is a very BIG part of who this coconut is. The most rewarding thing about being on the show was the interaction with the customers. That is what brought me the most joy! Seeing their smiles, when they ate our food, entertaining them while waiting in line, hugging and even dancing salsa with them!, that was amazing I guess, in general, seeing people happy brings me joy.When everything is said and done, life is like a mirror; it’s your own reflection. As you give, so you receive. You give trash, you’ll get trash, It is that simple. Although WE sometimes manage to make this simple principle, difficult for ourselves.

While shooting the show I felt grateful to be part of such a wonderful production.
The interaction with the other teams and crew members, sound engineers, producers and directors was exhilarating. I see my work as a church, I walk into it thinking, how can I be the best me at this moment? What can I give?
Sometimes, I silently bless people, yes; it’s powerful and feels so GOOD. I am not saying I'm in LOVE mode all the time. At the end of the day I still have the NUT that resides in my head! I DID have my moments of unloving thoughts about some issues. Well, it is a competition at the end of the day, and I like to WIN! All the time!
I am only human and I do get lost in the insanity more often than
 I would like to admit here. In future blog stories I will share some NUT moments on the show. But of course that will have to wait until the episodes start airing.

I have a lot of AMOR and passionate energy exploding in my life right now both personally and professionally. I am really excited about what the future holds. Although, sometimes I am doubtful, not sure how things will evolve, I would rather step out of my "comfort zone" and really live! It is very dangerous to play it safe in life. I would rather fall flat on my face and get back up and become even BETTER! than just live life like a zombie.
My relationships and work experiences are part of my assignments.
I have the opportunity to extend love or withhold it, and depending on what I am giving, I will experience joy or pain.

Watch the Cafe Con Leche Cast teaser here:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Feisty CocoNut! On The Great Food Truck Race.

I am very excited! The Great Food Truck Race press release has been RELEASED! Now, I can talk about the show a bit more. I will share allot, but not too much, in life it is important to keep the mystery in some things, otherwise the magic is lost.
All I can say by watching the teaser, wowsers!!I am hot blooded. Yeah! I confess it, and it clearly shows in the video. It is no coincidence, that on the Good Morning America interview, they showed me being feisty. Now it has me thinking, how will I be portrayed? What will be the final edit? ta ta ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ta TAN!!!! We will see...

My Coco Friends, I gave my all to TGFTR. I was ME; fully self expressed. I owe it to the viewers and to myself to be authentic. For those of you that may have had doubts, whether this show was scripted, or not "reality", I can tell you, it was real, it was so REAL, de verdad verdad!

The show premiers Aug 14th @ 10 pm on The Food Network. It is a MUST watch if you like a TV shows that keeps you on the edge of your couch. :)
I can reveal, that I was VERY sensitive, and went through a lot of struggles. I am an over achiever and I DON'T like to lose at anything! My "NUT" side gets VERY bruised when it does not get its way. Pero, I am grateful for the struggles, they make me grow beyond measure. They help me become the BEST COCO I can BE while I am here on earth.
ACIM says: " Some of your greatest advances, you have judged as failures, and some of your deepest retreats, you have evaluated as success." As I have grown and become even more spiritual; I can FINALLY understand this. It rings true to my corazon. When I think I might have gotten it "wrong" I actually got it “right".

En la vida you have to just live to the fullest, and that is what TGFTR gave me access to; to have Fun and enjoy it ! Sometimes you might not get it right, but in the end you might just come out winning.
With Bob the nicest camera man EVER! Big Heart.

My fiestiness revealed! Video teaser for TGFTR:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

CocoNut and Marianne Williamson..

This past weekend was Pow! Pow! I was a guest at the Marianne Williamson workshop in LA. It was based on A Course in Miracles principles.

ACIM helps me deal with that NUT side of me. It reminds me of my truth; NOT letting the NUT take full control of my cabeza if I am willing. In Life everything you could ever want is available; but you must be willing to go and get it. I feel willingness is even more powerful than intentions.
The enjoyment of listening to Marianne Williamson combined with a profound admiration for her, makes this, an out-of-this-world experience. With her fame, fortune and recognition she could just started to make up her own "thing" her "own" message; but she has, admirably, honored and respected ACIM by sticking to its extraordinary message. The Course is written in a way that could get confusing and can be taken, easily, out of context; being written in a free rhythm prose (in an almost poetic way), very similar to the Bible. This Goddess delivers a clear message of what the course is, and how apply it in your daily life. To me this is very helpful and it eases my understanding of it. I salute you Marianne for your amazing message!

I also had some message sharing of my own. At the workshop a girl shared about her mom being bi-polar, and immediately I identified with her. My mom was diagnosed with the same condition 10 years ago. My heart started racing; and I felt compelled to share, something just took over me. I raised my hand, well, half way, not really wanting to be chosen. Although, in my coco heart I did, I needed to share. She said, "Yes, you, young lady". It's now all a blur, I really can’t remember all that I said, my emotions were so high, but the sharing came straight from my heart. It flowed like a beautiful stream of coconut water. This is what I DO remember saying: "I was able to finally have peace when I accepted my mother for who she is now!" and to let go of the attachment that she had to be how she was "before".
In conclusion 500 plus people attending, as well as, live streamers from all over the world, prayed for my coconut mamasita. I felt so touched and moved, feeling a power surge in my heart, which comes only a few times in a lifetime. Thank you Marianne and all that prayed, my heart goes out to all of you.

Here are some things my coco ears heard this past weekend that resonated:

"Everything creates form at some level"
"I don't need to do anything to be valuable"
"A safe lover, is someone who understands that we are trying, and doesn't punish us for falling short"
"Universe”, how can I serve You?"
"Do I prefer to be right, or happy"
"Relationships' are assignments' for our maximum soul growth"
"I can learn through joy or through pain"
"We are in relationships, to experience aspects of ourselves, that cannot be experienced when we are alone
"Being insecure is more arrogant than humble, suggesting the idea that somehow GOD created junk."

CocoNut  continuing to apply ACIM to my work, personal life and just about everything else. I am excited about the future, in becoming the best “ME” I can be. Experiencing more COCO than NUT.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Impatience is a Virtue..

My impatience began at 3am this morning to get an email out. It could of not waited till later. I needed my peace of mind..

Patience is a Virtue? Huh? Where did that quote come from? After some deep intense coconut google research seems like others are asking too.The origin must be lost in the coconut plantation. There was  no clear answer. The consensus: "It originated from a British Sniper in WWII who was watching Hitler or something?'' "Its an anonymous proverb"  "From Chucer’s The Franklin’s Tale". 

 Where do you think it really came from?

I really don't know. Although, I can tell you where my impatience comes from.. The bottom of my coco heart! I can say: Impatience is my virtue. Now its nothing that I am proud of.. Well maybe just a little..

It has served me to be impatient in my career. By making things happen and manifesting my goals sooner. And by my impatience in sending the email as described in the beginning of the blog.. I saved myself allot of heartache. Patience would of just made it stay and linger.. And eventually would of made me want to scream up and down little Mexico screaming: "Oye! give me a taco or die!"
Si! Amigos. I get hungry in the wee hours..

It has also hurt me by being impatient. Blocks me from not enjoying the moment. Always thinking about the future.. Whats gonna happen?!! I want it now! That's NUT talking.

 If I can make patience a virtue I would enjoy my life even more and be more present. It will also help me in having less taquicardia.

 Bueno, Im working on it. One CocoNut at a time..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Booty shorts and wake up calls.

Coconut has been away on vacation.. Oh, how I have missed writing. Today was another day filled with NUT really loud in my head! Although, I feel really proud that I was able to turn down the Volume and enjoy the rest of my day.

I woke up and did my morning meditation. I'm still on the same one. "God Being love is also happiness" ACIM Lesson #103 I love to repeat them, it is very helpful. The mind works better through repetition like going to the gym and building muscle. The same with creating a positive mind set. It takes allot of hard work and dedication.

After my daily routine... First, Cafe Cubano. Pow! Pow! I am so spoiled right now. My beautiful full of sunshine roommate makes it in the morning.. And well, through out the day. It gets my coco loco to start my day.

I submitted myself for work mainly hosting and acting jobs. I am looking forward to some auditions I have tomorrow. Then after with all that Cuban coffee, it was time for boot camp at the gym! Have I mentioned that sometimes when I go to the gym, I feel that I have way too much cloths on?! Si!  Today I saw this girl and her coconuts were all out.. and in my class there was this other girl with these booty shorts on. And she was right in front of me and well, I was so busy staring that I almost fell off the step on my coconut culo! I have to say, she looked pretty good in them and well I could not help but stare.. In life its very important to enjoy looking at beautiful things.. Although, beware of doing it on a step up because you can end up in the hospital and that would not be so beautiful..

After my amazing work out and eye candy..  I felt exhilarated and powerful. I feel so great when I work out. And really recommend it. Just makes one feel better.

On my way home I was thinking of how grateful I am for the so called "Hard Times" I chose to call them now a "Wake up call"  Its when I go through "stuff" That I am able to wake up and really be a stand for what I want and really deserve in my life.. If I don't go through that, I would of  never known. It takes sometimes a good cry or suffering to finally stand up and say no more.

Today it took cuban coffee, boot camp and a good conversation with a friend to wake me up! And yes! sometimes it takes allot! But, eventually if you want to be happy and live a blissful life it takes work and it will pay off! Hey, I work on it every single day. And this coco loco is getting better... Not easy... But, not impossible just one step at a time..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No more you NUT!

I woke up this morning by dedicating my time to Prayer. I did my ACIM lesson which was: "Gods will for me is perfect happiness".

Then I went to walk my dogs. I saw the guy that picks up the garbage at my condo and I said hello and told him what a great job he is doing.  And well to my surprise he said "thank you", and out of no where he gave me a rose.  "Here this is for you" and then he just left..Wow! I was  surprised! Especially, since I was with Two zits on my face, of which looked like Two big coconuts and I had put some proactive mask on it so they will dry out quickly. Basically, I had to white dots on my face. What I am getting at is that, I did not look presentable. What gave my coco heart a smile was that I had given him a complement not expecting anything. I was just being grateful. And well I received a beautiful rose even though I had Two zits.
Great way to start my day!

Soon after I was off to a print audition and had a 30 min drive.
A lot was on my mind especially happiness. As it was my lesson for today. I was thinking... I am so ready to declare coco ecstasy!  I have been crucifying myself for what I feel like has been over a decade and well enough is enough! I am ready to say YES to happiness! And not just a little bit but, a Big freaken explosion of coco heaven. I am ready! I am ready to be the greatest me I can be! I am ready to build a coconut empire! I am ready for Love! I am ready to finally be free of the Nut that has been running my show for so long! I am ready to toss it in the water and say. OK BYE!

I must say, I am in a very pivotal point in my life. Analyzing my love life, career path and really digging deep. And its a good place to be. I have been here before but, this time its different. I guess all my past experiences of heartache in Love and Career have not been in vain. I have learned and become stronger and confident! My spiritual and mental musculature is finally strong enough to create the happiness I have so longed for. I was never able to get to this point  in the past because I was caught up in the Nuttiest of my delusions.

Don't get me wrong I have had a pretty good life up to now and at times experienced great bliss. Although, I have been addicted to suffering.. Now I am aware of it. FINALLY! And I can be honest about it. I can look NUT in the face and say, No more! No mas! To NUT. And I am ready to say YES to having a happy life and create what I know I am capable of. I know I am talented, I know I have alot to give this world. As I give, I receive.. In truth we are one coconut anyway!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wine, Fried chicken and Sandra O.

My Saturday this week is what I would call the perfect coco day! Kinda like experiencing Heaven on earth. Cocobunga! How I love those days. I really appreciate the Coco days because I am never sure how long they are going to last and how soon the NUT is going to take over my brain and just ruin some of my days.

I went to Malibu Wines for my friends birthday. My gift to her was a rose bush. Yup! With dirt and all. Beautiful yellow roses that she can later plant or can keep them in the pot they came in. Its just a more practical gift. If I would buy regular roses they would last her like a week. And well, the plant I gave here can last a coco lifetime. Hmm not sure how long that would be. But, I am sure long.  

Its such a a blessing to have good food, wine and great company! On the menu was fried chicken and we bought a bottle of white wine as the day was warm and I wanted something refreshing.

Talk about refreshing... I saw Sandra O the actress from Greys Anatomy there. And I said hi! She remembered me, as I worked on the show for 3 weeks as Sara Ramirez double for the musical episode and guest what?!  Ms O remembered me. SI!  My HAND acting! She said "I remember your hand acting" Hey, at least she remembered some part of this cocoloco!  She was sweet and they commented on my dress, on how nice it was.. Not to mention that my coconuts were pretty out there in the dress. But, they said I wore it well.

What I learned from being on the show is that having a TV series is VERY feasible. And that stars on the show are normal people like you and me. They also have issues and concerns.

I have been working in this business for 18 years and I am very blessed to continue to be making a living doing what I love. Entertain people from all walks of life with my talent to be a cocoloco!

I have been wanting book a gig on a TV show. Although, I had it in my head that I wanted to be a  series regular or host another show. 
But, In life sometimes things come in a different package then expected. I booked a reality show this year. And this different package I got was even better.  As I was able act as Me! And I mean the full on cocoNut me that you can ever imagine! The show is The Great Food Truck Race Season 2 and will air Aug 14th on The food Network.

I wanted a TV show and I got it. Just in a different package...
That is why in life it is VERY important to be open and flexible. Because what you want may look slightly different even a lot different. But, at the end it will be the best for you.

5 min Coco workout.

Coco and Nut were very present in my head today! Well, as everyday! Some days coco runs the show, which means my day is more blissful and joyful. As opposed to when nut runs it and I get pretty distressed.

To make sure I have a more coco filled day I try not to just rush out of bed and get into the worldly things such as, checking my phone and making coffee. I give myself at least  5 minutes to go within. I either prey, mediate or I do both. This is vital for me as it sets up the tone of my day.

Doing this insures that the nutty voice, which  is my Ego wont be in full throttle control. Coco, which is the Holyspirt voice within me is the one that guides me into experiencing a happy day.

 Sometimes I prey: "God let me go where you would have me go, do what you would have me do, say what you would have to say and to whom."

Giving yourself the gift of atleast those 5 mins to go within is worth your daily sanity. Its easy to get caught up in the nutty outside world. Doing this works on your inward truth musculature the gives you access to your true divinity: LOVE

Friday, June 17, 2011

There are Two of me.

The word coconut began when I told my parents one day I love you like a big coconut! Then soon  after I just started telling people I cared about, that I love them like a BIG coconut. To me it just seemed so much better to add the BIG coconut! and it stuck! My friends then started calling me coconut, coco loco, Cuban coconut and then it  just became a coconut explosion!! 

 I've changed my name from Maria Felipe to coconut! Hey, heck my friends and family dig it, why not? wacka! wacka! and yeah I like to say that too.. and pow! pow!

This blog is about how I deal with life as a coconut. Well as Maria Felipe..The name Coconut could no describe me better.. Coco would be the part of me that is loving, secure, happy, peaceful, limitless,  joyful etc.. and the Nut part of me is the Opposite! Insecure, doubtful, sad,neurotic,delusional,angry and just plain NUTTY..

In my blog I will share about my career, personal life and how I deal with my coconut self in the world.. 

 If this blog can make a difference in your life, in a COCO way this Cuban coconut will be super duper happy!!

Stay Tuned!