Wednesday, July 6, 2011

CocoNut and Marianne Williamson..

This past weekend was Pow! Pow! I was a guest at the Marianne Williamson workshop in LA. It was based on A Course in Miracles principles.

ACIM helps me deal with that NUT side of me. It reminds me of my truth; NOT letting the NUT take full control of my cabeza if I am willing. In Life everything you could ever want is available; but you must be willing to go and get it. I feel willingness is even more powerful than intentions.
The enjoyment of listening to Marianne Williamson combined with a profound admiration for her, makes this, an out-of-this-world experience. With her fame, fortune and recognition she could just started to make up her own "thing" her "own" message; but she has, admirably, honored and respected ACIM by sticking to its extraordinary message. The Course is written in a way that could get confusing and can be taken, easily, out of context; being written in a free rhythm prose (in an almost poetic way), very similar to the Bible. This Goddess delivers a clear message of what the course is, and how apply it in your daily life. To me this is very helpful and it eases my understanding of it. I salute you Marianne for your amazing message!

I also had some message sharing of my own. At the workshop a girl shared about her mom being bi-polar, and immediately I identified with her. My mom was diagnosed with the same condition 10 years ago. My heart started racing; and I felt compelled to share, something just took over me. I raised my hand, well, half way, not really wanting to be chosen. Although, in my coco heart I did, I needed to share. She said, "Yes, you, young lady". It's now all a blur, I really can’t remember all that I said, my emotions were so high, but the sharing came straight from my heart. It flowed like a beautiful stream of coconut water. This is what I DO remember saying: "I was able to finally have peace when I accepted my mother for who she is now!" and to let go of the attachment that she had to be how she was "before".
In conclusion 500 plus people attending, as well as, live streamers from all over the world, prayed for my coconut mamasita. I felt so touched and moved, feeling a power surge in my heart, which comes only a few times in a lifetime. Thank you Marianne and all that prayed, my heart goes out to all of you.

Here are some things my coco ears heard this past weekend that resonated:

"Everything creates form at some level"
"I don't need to do anything to be valuable"
"A safe lover, is someone who understands that we are trying, and doesn't punish us for falling short"
"Universe”, how can I serve You?"
"Do I prefer to be right, or happy"
"Relationships' are assignments' for our maximum soul growth"
"I can learn through joy or through pain"
"We are in relationships, to experience aspects of ourselves, that cannot be experienced when we are alone
"Being insecure is more arrogant than humble, suggesting the idea that somehow GOD created junk."

CocoNut  continuing to apply ACIM to my work, personal life and just about everything else. I am excited about the future, in becoming the best “ME” I can be. Experiencing more COCO than NUT.

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