Friday, July 1, 2011

Impatience is a Virtue..

My impatience began at 3am this morning to get an email out. It could of not waited till later. I needed my peace of mind..

Patience is a Virtue? Huh? Where did that quote come from? After some deep intense coconut google research seems like others are asking too.The origin must be lost in the coconut plantation. There was  no clear answer. The consensus: "It originated from a British Sniper in WWII who was watching Hitler or something?'' "Its an anonymous proverb"  "From Chucer’s The Franklin’s Tale". 

 Where do you think it really came from?

I really don't know. Although, I can tell you where my impatience comes from.. The bottom of my coco heart! I can say: Impatience is my virtue. Now its nothing that I am proud of.. Well maybe just a little..

It has served me to be impatient in my career. By making things happen and manifesting my goals sooner. And by my impatience in sending the email as described in the beginning of the blog.. I saved myself allot of heartache. Patience would of just made it stay and linger.. And eventually would of made me want to scream up and down little Mexico screaming: "Oye! give me a taco or die!"
Si! Amigos. I get hungry in the wee hours..

It has also hurt me by being impatient. Blocks me from not enjoying the moment. Always thinking about the future.. Whats gonna happen?!! I want it now! That's NUT talking.

 If I can make patience a virtue I would enjoy my life even more and be more present. It will also help me in having less taquicardia.

 Bueno, Im working on it. One CocoNut at a time..

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna have to send you a giant nut cracker for those impatient
