Saturday, July 16, 2011

Feisty CocoNut! On The Great Food Truck Race.

I am very excited! The Great Food Truck Race press release has been RELEASED! Now, I can talk about the show a bit more. I will share allot, but not too much, in life it is important to keep the mystery in some things, otherwise the magic is lost.
All I can say by watching the teaser, wowsers!!I am hot blooded. Yeah! I confess it, and it clearly shows in the video. It is no coincidence, that on the Good Morning America interview, they showed me being feisty. Now it has me thinking, how will I be portrayed? What will be the final edit? ta ta ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ta TAN!!!! We will see...

My Coco Friends, I gave my all to TGFTR. I was ME; fully self expressed. I owe it to the viewers and to myself to be authentic. For those of you that may have had doubts, whether this show was scripted, or not "reality", I can tell you, it was real, it was so REAL, de verdad verdad!

The show premiers Aug 14th @ 10 pm on The Food Network. It is a MUST watch if you like a TV shows that keeps you on the edge of your couch. :)
I can reveal, that I was VERY sensitive, and went through a lot of struggles. I am an over achiever and I DON'T like to lose at anything! My "NUT" side gets VERY bruised when it does not get its way. Pero, I am grateful for the struggles, they make me grow beyond measure. They help me become the BEST COCO I can BE while I am here on earth.
ACIM says: " Some of your greatest advances, you have judged as failures, and some of your deepest retreats, you have evaluated as success." As I have grown and become even more spiritual; I can FINALLY understand this. It rings true to my corazon. When I think I might have gotten it "wrong" I actually got it “right".

En la vida you have to just live to the fullest, and that is what TGFTR gave me access to; to have Fun and enjoy it ! Sometimes you might not get it right, but in the end you might just come out winning.
With Bob the nicest camera man EVER! Big Heart.

My fiestiness revealed! Video teaser for TGFTR:

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