Thursday, September 8, 2011


We were eliminated on The Great Food Truck Race Show in Denver.
It was hard. Very hard!
I was very attached to the good feeling of closeness to the crew, cast and the whole shabang (sobbing). 

By the time I got to Denver I must say I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was getting barely any rest and coming down with a cold. I remember the night before our last day of selling I thought: "Can I continue doing this? ”To which I answered:” Of course I CAN!” so I took a pair of
Tylenol cold and delightfully passed out.

The next morning we were off to the restaurant depot to do grocery shopping but I had a weird feeling. I was not as upbeat and INTO it as before.
I felt Denver might just be Cafe Con Leche´s last stop. And believe me I did NOT want to believe that.

We got to the Great Divide Brewery and famous quarterback John Elway shared the news: “only one person can work the truck”. This challenge was hard to digest. My hopes of making it to the Grand Finale in Miami, my home town, “my dream” seemed to dwindle. Sitting on the sidelines watching the action was frustrating. At times I would sneak off. Just to have one of the producers literally pick me up and put back in our "section". I felt  confined in a CocoNut and I was feeling a bit nutty! 

I cheered up though when I heard that the Seabirds´ sales had been low and hoped it meant we´d still be in the race!
But Elimination day was inevitable
(By the way: It is REALLY awful to stand there waiting for the results.)
We were officially out of the race. I was very, very sad. Muy triste. I mean “you´re on the road and get attached to the experience!” I told my cast mates. It was horrible.
“I want to be doing this show forever!!”.That´s how exciting and fun it was.

As I have learned through experience, some great things do have an end.
The week when our elimination episode was aired, I was going through some intense struggles in my life: I was faced with the elimination process of an old pattern of my own. All of the sudden I was filled with fear, insecurity and doubt.

I knew that it was a pivotal moment that would define my future.

It was an old reaction that wasn´t useful anymore. A similar situation from the past disguised in different circumstances. 
This CocoNUT, Thank goodness, is ready to be more COCO than nut. Even though it was muy difícil, I was able to do what had to be done. ELIMINATE it.  I suffered before and behind Cameras. Then I forgave, accepted, surrendered and LET GO.
ALL the Eliminación paid off.
I AM at PAZ.
Miracles DO happen.
Even when we feel it´s impossible :) the COCOS have a sweet way of proving one wrong. I had Won Top Prize without knowing it: a week later I got a GIG that would pull me closer to where I want to be and do:
  1. I had to be Eliminated on the Show so I would be in L.A. on time to take the chance of a Lifetime in my Acting Career.
  2. I had to Eliminate my Old Pattern to be closer to my Soul mate and fall in Love. (Truly in COCOAMOR).

This is a Private Practice of my own I Cherish now.
I mean how nutty to think I would work “forever” in a show like this... With all the COCO on the beach?!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant!
    It´s Amazing how you turned your experience around and realized it´s All about following your Guiding Coconut!
    Inspiring! The way you write has blossomed! Congrats!
