Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wine, Fried chicken and Sandra O.

My Saturday this week is what I would call the perfect coco day! Kinda like experiencing Heaven on earth. Cocobunga! How I love those days. I really appreciate the Coco days because I am never sure how long they are going to last and how soon the NUT is going to take over my brain and just ruin some of my days.

I went to Malibu Wines for my friends birthday. My gift to her was a rose bush. Yup! With dirt and all. Beautiful yellow roses that she can later plant or can keep them in the pot they came in. Its just a more practical gift. If I would buy regular roses they would last her like a week. And well, the plant I gave here can last a coco lifetime. Hmm not sure how long that would be. But, I am sure long.  

Its such a a blessing to have good food, wine and great company! On the menu was fried chicken and we bought a bottle of white wine as the day was warm and I wanted something refreshing.

Talk about refreshing... I saw Sandra O the actress from Greys Anatomy there. And I said hi! She remembered me, as I worked on the show for 3 weeks as Sara Ramirez double for the musical episode and guest what?!  Ms O remembered me. SI!  My HAND acting! She said "I remember your hand acting" Hey, at least she remembered some part of this cocoloco!  She was sweet and they commented on my dress, on how nice it was.. Not to mention that my coconuts were pretty out there in the dress. But, they said I wore it well.

What I learned from being on the show is that having a TV series is VERY feasible. And that stars on the show are normal people like you and me. They also have issues and concerns.

I have been working in this business for 18 years and I am very blessed to continue to be making a living doing what I love. Entertain people from all walks of life with my talent to be a cocoloco!

I have been wanting book a gig on a TV show. Although, I had it in my head that I wanted to be a  series regular or host another show. 
But, In life sometimes things come in a different package then expected. I booked a reality show this year. And this different package I got was even better.  As I was able act as Me! And I mean the full on cocoNut me that you can ever imagine! The show is The Great Food Truck Race Season 2 and will air Aug 14th on The food Network.

I wanted a TV show and I got it. Just in a different package...
That is why in life it is VERY important to be open and flexible. Because what you want may look slightly different even a lot different. But, at the end it will be the best for you.

1 comment:

  1. Love your Blog Maria. You have inspired me! I must start writing on my blog, and making it a daily ritual... LOVE IT COCO LOCO, let's have some coco time together soon.. Or wine time. I think Cari is coming into town soon.

