Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Booty shorts and wake up calls.

Coconut has been away on vacation.. Oh, how I have missed writing. Today was another day filled with NUT really loud in my head! Although, I feel really proud that I was able to turn down the Volume and enjoy the rest of my day.

I woke up and did my morning meditation. I'm still on the same one. "God Being love is also happiness" ACIM Lesson #103 I love to repeat them, it is very helpful. The mind works better through repetition like going to the gym and building muscle. The same with creating a positive mind set. It takes allot of hard work and dedication.

After my daily routine... First, Cafe Cubano. Pow! Pow! I am so spoiled right now. My beautiful full of sunshine roommate makes it in the morning.. And well, through out the day. It gets my coco loco to start my day.

I submitted myself for work mainly hosting and acting jobs. I am looking forward to some auditions I have tomorrow. Then after with all that Cuban coffee, it was time for boot camp at the gym! Have I mentioned that sometimes when I go to the gym, I feel that I have way too much cloths on?! Si!  Today I saw this girl and her coconuts were all out.. and in my class there was this other girl with these booty shorts on. And she was right in front of me and well, I was so busy staring that I almost fell off the step on my coconut culo! I have to say, she looked pretty good in them and well I could not help but stare.. In life its very important to enjoy looking at beautiful things.. Although, beware of doing it on a step up because you can end up in the hospital and that would not be so beautiful..

After my amazing work out and eye candy..  I felt exhilarated and powerful. I feel so great when I work out. And really recommend it. Just makes one feel better.

On my way home I was thinking of how grateful I am for the so called "Hard Times" I chose to call them now a "Wake up call"  Its when I go through "stuff" That I am able to wake up and really be a stand for what I want and really deserve in my life.. If I don't go through that, I would of  never known. It takes sometimes a good cry or suffering to finally stand up and say no more.

Today it took cuban coffee, boot camp and a good conversation with a friend to wake me up! And yes! sometimes it takes allot! But, eventually if you want to be happy and live a blissful life it takes work and it will pay off! Hey, I work on it every single day. And this coco loco is getting better... Not easy... But, not impossible just one step at a time..

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