Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is there any Space for A Coco Latina Actress in Hollywood?

During my childhood in Miami, like any kid my age, I was a HUGE fan of Punky Brewster. I hope you even know who I´m talking about. I told my mami I wanted to be Punky´s bestfriend on the show. I thought that she needed a latina friend. Mami sadly informed me that the TV Show was shot in Los Angeles. I proclaimed I wanted to live with Los Angelitos there then!
My Innocence back then promised me it´d be easy. It wasn´t. To become the great professional I am now I had to go against all Nutty clichés regarding making it big in L.A.
As you see, I always knew that Acting would be what I would do for the rest of my life and these 18 past years of ups and downs in this wonderful career have taken me from a successful spot in Miami to “the New Hispana Actress in L.A.”. I have grown professionally and personally. Today I continue to pursue my desire: doing what I love, even though the “Nutty-Voices” have been wanting me to do the opposite... I mean I built a solid career in Miami, Booking hundreds of commercials, acting classes with Top Acting Coaches hundreds of photo shoots, I hypnotize the camera! This photogenic SAG member since 1994 has done her Piña Colada with the best Piña juice featuring magazines and films; hosting 3 national TV shows and becoming the 1st Latin woman boxing announcer (chosen among 500 girls! literally) taking me all over the country hosting for WWE Cocobunga! .
Playing ME on a food truck has been the cherry on top after living in LA for 5 years now. I have an agent and manager. I have been working steady acting and hosting! The best thing is that I have been able to break into the Anglo market which, believe it or not I found hard do in Miami. This "cross over" allows me to share my Latin roots with the gringos! Heck, with EVERYone who wants to be entertained by this proud CUBAN Coconut! 
The hard part has been overcoming the many Nut voices telling me all the reasons why I should not come to L.A. “it´s expensive” “it´s hard” “you´re already a Top Model in Miami you know everyone in the business here” “you'll never make it” “everyone´s there, it´s too much competition” “you´ll start from zero”.
But let me share a little insight:
The only competition there is, is ME against my own head with this scratched record of all these nuts speaking at the same time. That´s it. The mind is so POWERFUL my coco amigos! It can help you or drown you. Being in NUT mode will eventually crack you. 
A wonderful gift we have is the free will to think what we want. We do have control over our experience. Therefore, I have learned to notice what I´m thinking and carefully stop myself if I´m thinking something nutty, then I change the thought I´m having and lovingly carry on. NUT will certainly have its way with me, but I won´t let it!
I knew in my heart that I was going to do well in L.A., I would work making a living expressing to the world my talent. I deleted from my head the “Not Making it” option. On my script success was a done deal! I decided to move to lala land and chose not to listen to "those" voices.
What can I say? I literally kicked my Nut in the Nuts.

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