Friday, July 22, 2011

CocoNut Y el AMOR..

I was so happy to see my Coco side revealed on the new Cafe Con Leche video teaser for TGFTR. Yay! I was not yelling "Where are the freaking plates?!" or "No more green stuff!" That's my Nut side for ya! But, nooooooooooooo sign of the Nut in this video! Yay! Coco was in full effect! I was expressing Amor!!

I am a cast member of Cafe Con Leche, a Cuban food truck. I felt so honored to represent the Cuban culture on national TV! I wanted not only for people to experience how AMAZING the food is, that is a given, but also, the passion, warmth and AMOR that the Cuban culture represents.

I come from a very close family, in which I have been blessed to receive a lot of love, and that is a very BIG part of who this coconut is. The most rewarding thing about being on the show was the interaction with the customers. That is what brought me the most joy! Seeing their smiles, when they ate our food, entertaining them while waiting in line, hugging and even dancing salsa with them!, that was amazing I guess, in general, seeing people happy brings me joy.When everything is said and done, life is like a mirror; it’s your own reflection. As you give, so you receive. You give trash, you’ll get trash, It is that simple. Although WE sometimes manage to make this simple principle, difficult for ourselves.

While shooting the show I felt grateful to be part of such a wonderful production.
The interaction with the other teams and crew members, sound engineers, producers and directors was exhilarating. I see my work as a church, I walk into it thinking, how can I be the best me at this moment? What can I give?
Sometimes, I silently bless people, yes; it’s powerful and feels so GOOD. I am not saying I'm in LOVE mode all the time. At the end of the day I still have the NUT that resides in my head! I DID have my moments of unloving thoughts about some issues. Well, it is a competition at the end of the day, and I like to WIN! All the time!
I am only human and I do get lost in the insanity more often than
 I would like to admit here. In future blog stories I will share some NUT moments on the show. But of course that will have to wait until the episodes start airing.

I have a lot of AMOR and passionate energy exploding in my life right now both personally and professionally. I am really excited about what the future holds. Although, sometimes I am doubtful, not sure how things will evolve, I would rather step out of my "comfort zone" and really live! It is very dangerous to play it safe in life. I would rather fall flat on my face and get back up and become even BETTER! than just live life like a zombie.
My relationships and work experiences are part of my assignments.
I have the opportunity to extend love or withhold it, and depending on what I am giving, I will experience joy or pain.

Watch the Cafe Con Leche Cast teaser here:

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