Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No more you NUT!

I woke up this morning by dedicating my time to Prayer. I did my ACIM lesson which was: "Gods will for me is perfect happiness".

Then I went to walk my dogs. I saw the guy that picks up the garbage at my condo and I said hello and told him what a great job he is doing.  And well to my surprise he said "thank you", and out of no where he gave me a rose.  "Here this is for you" and then he just left..Wow! I was  surprised! Especially, since I was with Two zits on my face, of which looked like Two big coconuts and I had put some proactive mask on it so they will dry out quickly. Basically, I had to white dots on my face. What I am getting at is that, I did not look presentable. What gave my coco heart a smile was that I had given him a complement not expecting anything. I was just being grateful. And well I received a beautiful rose even though I had Two zits.
Great way to start my day!

Soon after I was off to a print audition and had a 30 min drive.
A lot was on my mind especially happiness. As it was my lesson for today. I was thinking... I am so ready to declare coco ecstasy!  I have been crucifying myself for what I feel like has been over a decade and well enough is enough! I am ready to say YES to happiness! And not just a little bit but, a Big freaken explosion of coco heaven. I am ready! I am ready to be the greatest me I can be! I am ready to build a coconut empire! I am ready for Love! I am ready to finally be free of the Nut that has been running my show for so long! I am ready to toss it in the water and say. OK BYE!

I must say, I am in a very pivotal point in my life. Analyzing my love life, career path and really digging deep. And its a good place to be. I have been here before but, this time its different. I guess all my past experiences of heartache in Love and Career have not been in vain. I have learned and become stronger and confident! My spiritual and mental musculature is finally strong enough to create the happiness I have so longed for. I was never able to get to this point  in the past because I was caught up in the Nuttiest of my delusions.

Don't get me wrong I have had a pretty good life up to now and at times experienced great bliss. Although, I have been addicted to suffering.. Now I am aware of it. FINALLY! And I can be honest about it. I can look NUT in the face and say, No more! No mas! To NUT. And I am ready to say YES to having a happy life and create what I know I am capable of. I know I am talented, I know I have alot to give this world. As I give, I receive.. In truth we are one coconut anyway!

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