Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 min Coco workout.

Coco and Nut were very present in my head today! Well, as everyday! Some days coco runs the show, which means my day is more blissful and joyful. As opposed to when nut runs it and I get pretty distressed.

To make sure I have a more coco filled day I try not to just rush out of bed and get into the worldly things such as, checking my phone and making coffee. I give myself at least  5 minutes to go within. I either prey, mediate or I do both. This is vital for me as it sets up the tone of my day.

Doing this insures that the nutty voice, which  is my Ego wont be in full throttle control. Coco, which is the Holyspirt voice within me is the one that guides me into experiencing a happy day.

 Sometimes I prey: "God let me go where you would have me go, do what you would have me do, say what you would have to say and to whom."

Giving yourself the gift of atleast those 5 mins to go within is worth your daily sanity. Its easy to get caught up in the nutty outside world. Doing this works on your inward truth musculature the gives you access to your true divinity: LOVE

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