Sunday, May 13, 2012

Being Fearless

Hola! I'm back!

Dios mio, how I have missed writing in this blog. Good news is, I will be writing a blog every Monday.

I launched a You Tube channel In February Coconut TV The idea was inspired by this blog.

My videos go up every Monday. Begining tommorow, I will also write blogs based on the videos. It will be a positive message. A great way to start the week.

Its truly been a blessing filming Coconut TV. What has been most exciting is collaborating with other Spiritual teachers.

So lets get this coco fiesta started!

Last weeks weeks video was FUN and Fearless! Check out my very first experience paragliding!

Tommorow a new video will be up on Coconut TV. And I will begin my weekly blog here! Stay tuned. Happy to be back!

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