Friday, January 6, 2012

A Second Chance at this Blog!

As I sip my yummy Cuban Café (a shot of espresso with mucho sugar) I realize how glad I am to have a second chance at writing this blog. You see, my editor was quick to say “it´s great…do it over” after she read the first one and it´s great to know I was able to put into perspective what I really like to share with you.

The Inspiration of the Year was my work in the short film: “A Second Chance at Christmas”

When I get a second chance at doing anything in particular instead of feeling upset for doing things all over, I realize something higher than myself is whispering something in my ear, like “you can do better than this… or… are you sure you want to take this decision?” In a Nutty-procrastination mood I find myself in a NUT-shell when I have to make a decision. It´s hard. But I´ve come to understand that if I don´t take a decision of my own, someone else will eventually take it for me.

Inspiration has come my way in the form of a wonderful creative artist like director Gene Blalock who made magic when making an extraordinary movie with a limited budget. Producer James Tumminia and a team of hard working and talented people helped him manifest his art. It´s people like these that help magnify the coco voice in my head: a loud speaker saying “YOU can do it!”

This reminds me I can reach my goals: booking national commercials, and traveling doing what I love during this year! I had an amazing McExperience at the Mc Donald´s setwhile shooting the latest national commercial, the day flew by working harmoniously we shot our scene in less than an hour! The best part is that when I walked off the set a group of smiling faces greeted me: the client, the ad agency even the wardrobe girl was happy. It´s a blessing working with such happy people, my coco Corazón was filled with JOY. I had done a great job. That’s all I can ask for in return. Appreciation for my work… Happy people! = Happy me!

Now that I have created so much coco-bliss this year all I wanted for this New Year is, for my coco light to continue to shine! To continue to BELIEVE my coco thoughts and feeling worthy of them, remembering that my love and safety reside within. I work daily on being grateful for this truth for myself. I know when we shine we emanate onto others. If I BELIEVE in my coco light, I feel I can Inspire anyone to BELIEVE in their own light. Afterall, we are just ONE big COCO anyway.

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