Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Counting Blessings Nourishing My CoCo

As they are lighting the set. I am in the green room reminiscing about all the extraordinary coco-explosion that is manifesting in my life since I was filming here last year. Let’s see...

Playing a fun part in the movie A Second Chance at Christmas and having fun promoting a Mc Muffin in a MC Donald’s commercial.

Lo maximo is that I became a Spiritual Leader?! Si! I am the Spiritual Leader for Unity of Burbank, giving sermons the 1st Sunday of the month en Espanol. I will be ordained this year as a minister by Pathways of Light. Pathways offers A Course In Miracles based training curriculum. These courses are helping me, to listen to more “coco” and less “nut”.

When the Universe gives you opportunities:

Oye! GO for it!

Serving as Spiritual Leader has helped me in writing, producing and hosting Coconut TV on YouTube. Inspired by THIS blog!
Starting my YouTube channel has been extraordinary. The commitment to filming a video every week for its Monday upload has been one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my life.
Even though there are some weeks... I question. Ugh, porque? I don’t want to wake up early. I don’t "feel" to do this etc...
That would be my "NUT", talking by the way.
Quickly I say “Callate” “Shut Up” to it!

There is a driving force within me that is definitely running the show now. That source is Spirit. Holy Spirit.
The spiritual boot camp I have been in for the past several years is starting to pay off. I’ve gone form ups and downs in turbulent waters. To floating in a calm sea. Where coco has been floating with a pina colada and a big smile. J

The way I feel after filming Coconut TV is exhilarating. I am very humbled when people share my channel on FB or twitter, or when they quote from it. Muchas gracias.

Coconut TV has giving me the opportunity to mingle with other spiritual leaders such as, Mary Gerard, collaborating with her on a couple of videos about "Pause for Inspiration" A very powerful card with steps that realign your connection to the "Coco" part of the mind giving us access to true inspiration while “busy” with life. Thank you again Mary and John for all you do to spread the light!   

I also interviewed acclaimed teacher of A Course in Miracles David Hoffmiester which he gladly shared with us, how important it is to put "Lime on the Coconut".

The Coco- AMOR exploded when we had best- selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Gary Renard on the show. Sharing with us how to “catch yourself” when your mind is becoming delusional with false thoughts. Yeah that CRAZY nut! Gary you rock! Thank YOU!

Who would have thought that I would be talking to spiritual leaders about their coconut?!

You can also watch me every Monday hosting Latino Beat for Esta Semana NARHEP on you tube bringing you the latest in Latino Culture.

They are calling me back to set. Ready? Act as if you no longer feel guilty about anything. Ok. Action!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Coconut TV at World Fest!

The day I went to World Fest, as I stood in front of the camera I truly did not have an idea of what was going to come out of this adventure.
I just let the Divine take the lead of my road. The result was not only that I got to have a blast behind the scenes of this Fantastic Festival eating delicious food but that I personally realized how I keep on flirting with the idea of living a Vegan life after following the Daniel Fast.
Why not?! I'm just tasting the cool fresh Coconut water as I listen to my Inner Guidance.
I may or may not decide to live the Vegan dream but just considering a "new idea" carried me on to an unforgettable journey as it always does.
The lime in my Coconut was that these spontaneous interviews led me to meet wonderful people who kindly shared with me how they deal with their own Coconut.
The raw truth is that I transcend limitations every time I kick the nut in the nuts and follow my heart… and sometimes my stomach.

Daniel Fast experience

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Through these blogs I`ve forced myself to face old wounds when knocking on my nut and seeing where they come from. It takes a lot of courage to face what hurts and an awful lot of love to heal.
So inside my nut, the seed of my ego, there`s pain. When I face this pain it hurts and the nut grows stronger.  Then, why even torture myself doing such a thing and at the same time give my nut the chance to gain any strength? It`s a risk that, out of Love, I must take.
The Course of Miracles clearly reminds me that the present is what`s real, because my nut grows strong from stuff that hurt me in the past and strengthens even more with things I lack in my future.
I must heal my past and decide to have faith in what the future holds for me, and none of these things come easy whatsoever. As I visit the core of my nut, where my fear of being hurt resides, I see it`s where I`ve kept experiences which have led my life and my beloved family`s story up to today: my present. So I allow myself to rejoice in my life today as I share with you a very painful chapter of my family`s story for two reasons: to heal and to love.
In  Miami my mom and  dad had to deal with the loss of my brother Robert at age 13 due to a bicycle accident. My dad could not deal with the loss and tried to commit suicide several times. News came that I would be born and even though it gave him great joy, when I was 3 months his destiny arrived and his Divine Transition was fulfilled and passed.
The rest was just a miracle after another. Mom blossomed into a successful career woman who found true love again and, no matter what, lived with a happy attitude injecting us with it just in every little way on a daily basis.
I understand now that I could never come close to imagine the pain mom went through, but I can see that the truth is that wounds are just that: hurt from the past. Not today.
 I have nothing to forgive because I realize that what happened was meant to follow a Divine Order. I would never try to understand why events took place the way they did because it involved people, places and circumstances I will never meet or know.  The course of my life had to carry on as it did so I could sit here at awe and humbly embrace the fact that something bigger that directs us to unconditional love is what`s true. I have been Loved, I`m Loved, therefore, I Love.
 My nut had me sitting in a place where I told myself over and over I did not need to share this part of my past. I knew that it was because it hurt. And if it hurts it`s because I have yet to heal. I still carried part of mom`s pain filled suitcase, I`ve done it unconsciously, out of love. But how could I help mom when I was 3 months old?  A young little girl called Maria still wants to help her mami.
As a teenager I knew my story was different. I expressed my intense desire to become an actress to mom who led me by her hand to all modeling agencies in South Beach. And with that same determination she had when she carried me in her arms out of her country, she bought me a bottle of water because as smart as she is, noticed that all models had one (LOL). I was told I had to fix my nose and she reminded me I was beautiful just the way I am. I eventually worked with Elite, Irene Marie and Willamina agencies to work in Latin America and the US.  I got to host 3 national TV shows in Spanish because mom always insisted I`d be bilingual, like her. I could have never accomplished what I have without her.
Today, as a grown up Maria, I appreciate what came out from all those experiences that belong to mom. Thank You mom for bearing with the burden I will never know; for holding my hand and giving me your example leading me to write my own story. I understand that the only way I can help you carry your suitcase is by making all your pain worthwhile and making myself responsible for my own happiness. I learned from you I can focus on love as opposed to tragedy. I learned to be unconditionally loved, thanks to you mami, who have always loved me and my brother for who we are and what we live for.
Thank You for writing us a brighter future and for finding Dad.
I remember you telling me - "You`re the best; you can do it; you are smart; you will are special”- "tienes un angel que te guia" (your guardian angel guides you).
Mom wanted me to rise up! To see me at my divine potential! That`s what love does.
 Even though it`s hard to put into words how I love you mom, my life at my Divine Potential is all I`ve got to repay you.
I dedicate to you this healed part of my story, my courageous angel on earth...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Put Lime on the Coconut.

As I sit down to write, I notice the softness of a gentle smile on my face, one of those many nice things that go by unnoticed most of the time. Except today something different happened: I am present to my inner peace - “So this is what inner peace feels like? It even makes me smile” –I thought, when the one thing I have been working on for so long happens to me over and over throughout the day, more and more often: Being Present.
This awareness carries me to a deeper joy giving thanks. I mean it`s the only thing I can do to keep this feeling going  just Be Grateful!
This feeling of “at ease” or “attunement” comes from my free will. That willingness to BE Peace.
Once I notice I could be willing to receive what I dream of, I am conscious that the possibility of felicidad (joy) is always available!
Therefore, I observe that my talents and instinct flow naturally and I can make sense of everything in my life. I become the best actress I can; a caring loving daughter a kinder human being. I can hear my calling to be the best I can be to serve as a spiritual guide to many.
This connection to my willingness is the “lime” on the Coconut you see…
As I put the lime on my own coconut every time I am present, my spiritual musculature strengthens. It takes my willingness and this is how I practice.
Being conscious of our own Willingness is what David Hoffmiester shared with us during a warm hearted interview on Coconut TV this week. David is a living example of what the joy of following “A Course in Miracles” means. I hope that his insight on Willingness sounds like a beautiful serenade of coco-bliss as it did to me, with a lot of lime on top...of course.

 Weekly affirmation: "I am willing to put lime on the coconut!"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Being Fearless

Hola! I'm back!

Dios mio, how I have missed writing in this blog. Good news is, I will be writing a blog every Monday.

I launched a You Tube channel In February Coconut TV The idea was inspired by this blog.

My videos go up every Monday. Begining tommorow, I will also write blogs based on the videos. It will be a positive message. A great way to start the week.

Its truly been a blessing filming Coconut TV. What has been most exciting is collaborating with other Spiritual teachers.

So lets get this coco fiesta started!

Last weeks weeks video was FUN and Fearless! Check out my very first experience paragliding!

Tommorow a new video will be up on Coconut TV. And I will begin my weekly blog here! Stay tuned. Happy to be back!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Second Chance at this Blog!

As I sip my yummy Cuban Café (a shot of espresso with mucho sugar) I realize how glad I am to have a second chance at writing this blog. You see, my editor was quick to say “it´s great…do it over” after she read the first one and it´s great to know I was able to put into perspective what I really like to share with you.

The Inspiration of the Year was my work in the short film: “A Second Chance at Christmas” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4hfLz16KL4&sns=fb

When I get a second chance at doing anything in particular instead of feeling upset for doing things all over, I realize something higher than myself is whispering something in my ear, like “you can do better than this… or… are you sure you want to take this decision?” In a Nutty-procrastination mood I find myself in a NUT-shell when I have to make a decision. It´s hard. But I´ve come to understand that if I don´t take a decision of my own, someone else will eventually take it for me.

Inspiration has come my way in the form of a wonderful creative artist like director Gene Blalock who made magic when making an extraordinary movie with a limited budget. Producer James Tumminia and a team of hard working and talented people helped him manifest his art. It´s people like these that help magnify the coco voice in my head: a loud speaker saying “YOU can do it!”

This reminds me I can reach my goals: booking national commercials, and traveling doing what I love during this year! I had an amazing McExperience at the Mc Donald´s setwhile shooting the latest national commercial, the day flew by working harmoniously we shot our scene in less than an hour! The best part is that when I walked off the set a group of smiling faces greeted me: the client, the ad agency even the wardrobe girl was happy. It´s a blessing working with such happy people, my coco Corazón was filled with JOY. I had done a great job. That’s all I can ask for in return. Appreciation for my work… Happy people! = Happy me!

Now that I have created so much coco-bliss this year all I wanted for this New Year is, for my coco light to continue to shine! To continue to BELIEVE my coco thoughts and feeling worthy of them, remembering that my love and safety reside within. I work daily on being grateful for this truth for myself. I know when we shine we emanate onto others. If I BELIEVE in my coco light, I feel I can Inspire anyone to BELIEVE in their own light. Afterall, we are just ONE big COCO anyway.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What the Coco do I write about? Dear Santa: “Help!”

I must start by confessing that this blog post was almost messed up by the Nut in me. I just couldn’t get started. My blog editor was pressuring me because she knows me well enough to determine something was blocking my Coco-Inspiration. I accepted the challenge. I sat down to write and chose to focus on sharing with you my Coco-Christmas. Why? Because it is now during my favorite season of the year, after what I’ve lived that I know for certain that I have two options: I either give in to whatever the Nut wants or I surrender to the Coco and let things flow and blossom.  So I began to realize that if what I had desired for during this year hadn’t happened, it was because so many other wonderful things were taking place and in disguise were meant to be exactly the series of events I needed so that I could be mature and humble enough as to say “Thank You” to life. Just because only this way I could be where I am and be prepared to welcome all the marvelous things ahead of me.
I mean, really, how could I be ungrateful when a movie I was costar in is releasing this week? That’s right! ; "A Second Chance at Christmas" will be released on Dec 16th: http://www.seraphfilms.net/sfp/index.html
How could I not be jumping of joy when I just booked a Mc Donald’s National Commercial! Yes! Thank You! One of my goals this year was to book a national commercial and to see that my persistence has paid off makes me want to dance. Oh "I´m Lovin´ It" because the best part is that I will be playing a realtor. You see, when I went to the casting I transformed into a role model for realtors: my mother, a top selling agent in Miami. No wonder I was chosen, I mean, I gave my best performance using all the knowledge I had on how realtors acted and reacted only by remembering all those years when I admired my mom selling homes left and right. Your best years Mami! Gracias!
 For models and/or actors to book a commercial or a job is such a reward, because we spend most of the time driving north, south, up and down, traffic, heat, rain, waiting, rejected, wear your best clothes (avoid wrinkles of course); put some make up on; a bad hair day? Got a pimple? Oh no! We are not allowed any of those. Cramps, headaches? Nonsense, we have no “sick days off”, so go on rehearse, stand in front of the camera and smile to the world. Sell millions of this soda please.
I’d also like to share with you the wonderful interview on my experience on The Great Food Truck Race! You can see it here:  http://ow.ly/7fwsn 
I might had bumped into people who disappointed me but I can see  clearly now how I came across Angels this year. Not Angels with wings and halos. They came in many other ways. They were disguised as producers, casting directors, makeup artists, directors, actors, even friends and my own mother. Some served me food, poured me a glass of wine on that date from hell; others rang up my groceries. Others helped me over the phone and cleared out my bills and took payments online without me knowing it. There’s a story behind all of those people, behind all of us. It’s not about me only; I know the world does not revolve around ME! They are all looking for Love and joy, one way or another, just like I am. Angels mingled in my life with friends and other family members in such a harmony I could not begin to understand. I may not have won an Oscar, or received my first million dollars, or gotten neither married nor pregnant. YET. What I know now is that I’m slowly but consciously walking my path towards all those dreams and I accept these events if they are meant to be for my higher wellness. It’s all scripted, remember? Meanwhile I’m grateful and preparing for all new things to come because this year Santa is laughing “Co-Co-Co” instead of his usual “Ho-Ho-Ho”…