Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Counting Blessings Nourishing My CoCo

As they are lighting the set. I am in the green room reminiscing about all the extraordinary coco-explosion that is manifesting in my life since I was filming here last year. Let’s see...

Playing a fun part in the movie A Second Chance at Christmas and having fun promoting a Mc Muffin in a MC Donald’s commercial.

Lo maximo is that I became a Spiritual Leader?! Si! I am the Spiritual Leader for Unity of Burbank, giving sermons the 1st Sunday of the month en Espanol. I will be ordained this year as a minister by Pathways of Light. Pathways offers A Course In Miracles based training curriculum. These courses are helping me, to listen to more “coco” and less “nut”.

When the Universe gives you opportunities:

Oye! GO for it!

Serving as Spiritual Leader has helped me in writing, producing and hosting Coconut TV on YouTube. Inspired by THIS blog!
Starting my YouTube channel has been extraordinary. The commitment to filming a video every week for its Monday upload has been one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my life.
Even though there are some weeks... I question. Ugh, porque? I don’t want to wake up early. I don’t "feel" to do this etc...
That would be my "NUT", talking by the way.
Quickly I say “Callate” “Shut Up” to it!

There is a driving force within me that is definitely running the show now. That source is Spirit. Holy Spirit.
The spiritual boot camp I have been in for the past several years is starting to pay off. I’ve gone form ups and downs in turbulent waters. To floating in a calm sea. Where coco has been floating with a pina colada and a big smile. J

The way I feel after filming Coconut TV is exhilarating. I am very humbled when people share my channel on FB or twitter, or when they quote from it. Muchas gracias.

Coconut TV has giving me the opportunity to mingle with other spiritual leaders such as, Mary Gerard, collaborating with her on a couple of videos about "Pause for Inspiration" A very powerful card with steps that realign your connection to the "Coco" part of the mind giving us access to true inspiration while “busy” with life. Thank you again Mary and John for all you do to spread the light!   

I also interviewed acclaimed teacher of A Course in Miracles David Hoffmiester which he gladly shared with us, how important it is to put "Lime on the Coconut".

The Coco- AMOR exploded when we had best- selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Gary Renard on the show. Sharing with us how to “catch yourself” when your mind is becoming delusional with false thoughts. Yeah that CRAZY nut! Gary you rock! Thank YOU!

Who would have thought that I would be talking to spiritual leaders about their coconut?!

You can also watch me every Monday hosting Latino Beat for Esta Semana NARHEP on you tube bringing you the latest in Latino Culture.

They are calling me back to set. Ready? Act as if you no longer feel guilty about anything. Ok. Action!