Monday, December 12, 2011

What the Coco do I write about? Dear Santa: “Help!”

I must start by confessing that this blog post was almost messed up by the Nut in me. I just couldn’t get started. My blog editor was pressuring me because she knows me well enough to determine something was blocking my Coco-Inspiration. I accepted the challenge. I sat down to write and chose to focus on sharing with you my Coco-Christmas. Why? Because it is now during my favorite season of the year, after what I’ve lived that I know for certain that I have two options: I either give in to whatever the Nut wants or I surrender to the Coco and let things flow and blossom.  So I began to realize that if what I had desired for during this year hadn’t happened, it was because so many other wonderful things were taking place and in disguise were meant to be exactly the series of events I needed so that I could be mature and humble enough as to say “Thank You” to life. Just because only this way I could be where I am and be prepared to welcome all the marvelous things ahead of me.
I mean, really, how could I be ungrateful when a movie I was costar in is releasing this week? That’s right! ; "A Second Chance at Christmas" will be released on Dec 16th:
How could I not be jumping of joy when I just booked a Mc Donald’s National Commercial! Yes! Thank You! One of my goals this year was to book a national commercial and to see that my persistence has paid off makes me want to dance. Oh "I´m Lovin´ It" because the best part is that I will be playing a realtor. You see, when I went to the casting I transformed into a role model for realtors: my mother, a top selling agent in Miami. No wonder I was chosen, I mean, I gave my best performance using all the knowledge I had on how realtors acted and reacted only by remembering all those years when I admired my mom selling homes left and right. Your best years Mami! Gracias!
 For models and/or actors to book a commercial or a job is such a reward, because we spend most of the time driving north, south, up and down, traffic, heat, rain, waiting, rejected, wear your best clothes (avoid wrinkles of course); put some make up on; a bad hair day? Got a pimple? Oh no! We are not allowed any of those. Cramps, headaches? Nonsense, we have no “sick days off”, so go on rehearse, stand in front of the camera and smile to the world. Sell millions of this soda please.
I’d also like to share with you the wonderful interview on my experience on The Great Food Truck Race! You can see it here: 
I might had bumped into people who disappointed me but I can see  clearly now how I came across Angels this year. Not Angels with wings and halos. They came in many other ways. They were disguised as producers, casting directors, makeup artists, directors, actors, even friends and my own mother. Some served me food, poured me a glass of wine on that date from hell; others rang up my groceries. Others helped me over the phone and cleared out my bills and took payments online without me knowing it. There’s a story behind all of those people, behind all of us. It’s not about me only; I know the world does not revolve around ME! They are all looking for Love and joy, one way or another, just like I am. Angels mingled in my life with friends and other family members in such a harmony I could not begin to understand. I may not have won an Oscar, or received my first million dollars, or gotten neither married nor pregnant. YET. What I know now is that I’m slowly but consciously walking my path towards all those dreams and I accept these events if they are meant to be for my higher wellness. It’s all scripted, remember? Meanwhile I’m grateful and preparing for all new things to come because this year Santa is laughing “Co-Co-Co” instead of his usual “Ho-Ho-Ho”…