Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I was going over the script of my next acting gig, on a plane to Virginia and I couldn´t help but wonder:
"What if my life is already written out in a script?

"If so, the character within this script I play is a "Cuban CocoNut".

Allow me to explain: I picked my role before entering this CocoNUT shell. My mind projects nut and coco images on to a huge screen called world. Coco Bunga! So many nutty images I have created throughout my lifetime, yikes! Some sane coco images and some insane nutty. But, I'm working on editing this film. I mean I´d like to give it a happy ending you see; therefore I must remember to Kick the nut in the nuts.Very similar to acting, because when I book a role, there´s a script, portraying a role and I just have to play it out. The only thing I am in control of is my personal experience representing it because the script is already written. You see? It´s the same with life!
Being this so, I ask myself: Why take things so nutserious? I mean, why beat myself up at times for no good reason at all? Pretty nuttyloco huh? Get the picture?
I get side tracked by the stories within my script: dramas, upsets and nutty betrayals. That Nut in my head, indulges in playing the victim role, making me battle constantly against it. You can say it´s the bad guy on the script and the Coco is the Hero!
If I can finally focus on the fact that I am the author, director and producer of my own script (thinker in my mind) and that I am responsible for my projections, only then I will be able to free myself from suffering: I fire the victim role on the script.

I once read this and it was a cocoenlighnmtent moment, I mean I literally almost fell on my cocobootie! "Everything happens the way it is supposed to anyway. If something isn't suppose to happen, you will never be able to make it happen. If something is supposed to happen, then there's nothing in the world you can do to stop it."

Now the above statement makes a whole lot of sense.

You see I prove my point: My life is a script. I play out my role accordingly and enjoy my experience.
So I tell myself to just embrace the COCO side and let things unveil.What a GREAT scene this would be:
Coco Look's at Nut straight at NUT and say's
"Oye, you! NUT! I am through playing your silly games. I direct YOU. You don't direct me. I´m in charge!"

As I write, I am having a blast enjoying this acting gig in Virginia. Meeting wonderful people (new extras on my script), wearing cute clothes, having makeup and hair done, sharing my talent with a team who happened to be on this chapter of my script.

The Nut? I leave it locked in the hotel room, learning new lines and punished until it learns to behave properly and not mess with my happycoco Script!